Japanese Christmas Gifts: For Men


Christmas, also known as the birthday of Jesus, translated as “Christ’s Mass”, originated from Christianity. Although Christmas on December 25th of the Gregorian calendar is a traditional Western holiday, the popularity of Christmas cards and the legend of Santa Claus have gradually made Christmas more popular. Christmas has become an international holiday.

In the mid-19th century, Christmas spread to Asia and was very popular among young people in China, Japan, South Korea and other countries.

The legend that Santa Claus will give gifts to fulfill everyone’s wishes at Christmas also makes everyone send gifts to each other to express their feelings at Christmas. What gift do you most want to receive at Christmas~?

A Japanese website once conducted a survey on this, “What gift do you want your lover to give you at Christmas?” This survey made a list of gifts that men and women like respectively. Let’s take a look at what Japanese Christmas gifts young people in Japan like!

japanese christmas gifts


Complete list of Men version

The top gift that Japanese men want most is “handmade products such as cooking or scarves” (28.4%). Compared with expensive gifts, handmade products can better feel the other person’s feelings.

The Japanese man interviewed said: “You can’t buy handmade gifts anywhere” and “It doesn’t matter whether they are well made or not, as long as you can feel the warmth.”

The second and fourth rankings are “wallet” (8%) and “watch” (7.4%) respectively. The third ranking is hoping that two people can have a luxurious lunch or dinner together. As expected, eating is also a very happy thing~


Dishes or handmade products such as scarves

Japanese men are really passionate about handmade products. Of course, no matter where in the world, handmade products are a kind of gift that can express sincere emotions and directly express the intention and love of the person who gives the gift.

In fact, Japan is also a country that is very famous for handicrafts. Almost many Japanese girls choose handmade scarves as gifts for their loved ones. This is really sweet.

Also, food. If you know something about Japanese movies, TV series, anime, etc., you will find that there is an indispensable element in them, and that is food!

japanese christmas gift ideas

Moreover, Japan has this bento culture. Students would prepare bento to school, and the adults would also bring bento boxes to work. Those exquisite bento boxes made by themselves or their families are the favorites of many people who like Japanese culture. This also makes handmade cooking a very popular item in Japan. A welcome gift.



Although people rarely pay with cash now, the wallet is a symbol that can be used but cannot be lived without. In fact, wallets can also be made by hand, but leather hand-making may require some special tools and techniques. Beginners may waste good leather if they try rashly.

In fact, some men did say that “handmade items will not be used if they are not interesting,” and some believed that these items would be painful if they broke up. Therefore, giving a wallet is also a cautious choice. However, I believe that if you are a loving couple, as long as you choose carefully, no matter what gift you give, the other party will be very happy.

japanese christmas gift ideas


Luxurious lunch/dinner

While not a gift that will keep, it’s definitely a good idea! Otherwise, how could it be ranked third? Being able to leave a beautiful memory that belongs to you must be a beautiful memory of you who are passionately in love.

Go to a high-end restaurant that you wouldn’t usually go to, book a candlelight dinner, and have a romantic date of your own.

traditional japanese christmas gifts



Similar to a wallet, a watch is now more of a decoration, just like a necklace on a girl’s neck. You don’t have to have it, but it will definitely make it more beautiful.

If you value this very much, then maybe it is also a symbol of taste and status for you. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Watches are indeed a luxury product to a certain extent.

gifts for japan lovers



When giving clothes as gifts, you must know the other person’s dressing style and size in advance to ensure that he can wear the clothes.

I personally recommend coats and sweaters. You can refer to some fashion bloggers or magazine shows for inspiration. It is best to buy brown or black, white and gray colors, which are more suitable for most Japanese people’s dressing styles and will not go wrong.

best japanese christmas gifts



Considering the season Christmas is in, this is a perfect temperature to give a winter-specific scarf/shawl. When you receive a warm gift, I believe the other person’s heart will also feel warm!

christmas gift for japanese friend



Practical victory! I feel that most of the gifts men want are things they need at that time, so it is also important to choose practical gifts.

Depending on the other person’s living habits and style, you can choose to buy a brand-name bag or a sports bag. If the other person often needs to carry a computer, you can choose a backpack with a computer compartment; if the other person often travels on business, you can choose a travel bag or suitcase.

Leather or canvas are more suitable materials, generally have weight guarantee and are wear-resistant.

japanese christmas gift ideas



It is another immaterial gift that cannot be saved, but it is undoubtedly an excellent gift for you to cultivate your relationship.

Some people say that if you want to get married, you must travel first. Of course, the same is true for love. A relationship without traveling together almost avoids the important node of emotional warming!

During the trip, the two of you arrive in a strange place together, surrounded by only familiar people to each other. In this environment, it is difficult not to create impressive memories.

japanese christmas gift ideas


Interior decoration/artwork

Small or medium-sized interior decorations can accurately reflect your presence, and the other person will be able to think of you when they see it every day.

japanese christmas presents



This makes me an exception. It turns out that men also want to receive rings and trinkets! In fact, boys wearing trinkets can also help put aside gender bias and let boys wear cute trinkets too!

This doesn’t have to mean anything, you don’t have to buy something too formal, you can also buy some small rings that embody the Christmas elements.

gifts for japan lovers


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