Japanese Christmas Gifts: For Women


In the last article, we talked about the list of Japanese Christmas gifts for men, so today let’s take a look at the Japanese women’s favorite Christmas gifts!

japanese christmas gifts

The top gift that Japanese women want most is “ring/clothing” (30%). Rings should be a gift that many girls want to receive from their lovers. Just like the Japanese girl interviewed said, “Rings can make me feel.” I feel love, so I’m very happy” and “it makes me feel that the other person belongs to me”.

The second-ranked item is “luxury lunch/dinner” (13%). Time is the most expensive luxury. It should be everyone’s wish to enjoy delicious food together during festivals. The third-ranked item is “travel” (10%).



Although it appears to be a ring, giving a ring is something that requires careful consideration. Because we have indeed received feedback from some women who think that “if they receive a ring, they have to wear it on a date, which is very annoying.” Others think that “they hate the sense of obligation that this kind of thing brings.”

If it’s just a decorative ring, that’s okay, but if it’s a ring with a meaning (you know what I mean), then you must make sure that the progress of your relationship has reached that decisive point!

japanese christmas gifts


Luxurious lunch/dinner

This item overlaps with the one for men. It seems that girls still like romantic gifts. Non-material gifts that can create beautiful memories between you may be what she wants~

Gifts can be given at any time, but memories of important moments can only be created in that moment. No matter how busy you are, you should always be by your side when the other person needs you. This is what a good boyfriend should do!

japanese christmas gift ideas



This also coincides with the wish of the male chapter! Travel, like dinner, is an intangible gift, but the key point is this: it’s time you two spend together. In the future, whenever you think about this trip together, you will definitely feel it was very special.

japanese christmas gift ideas



For girls, you can choose a plainer style for your watch. Generally, you don’t need to consider the all-black one, because you have to take into account the other person’s usual dressing style. If the watch you give does not match her dressing style at all, it may be difficult for her to wear it.

In addition, the choice of watch strap is also important. Pay attention to whether the other person usually wears a thicker bracelet or a thin bracelet. If the other person often wears a thicker bracelet, it means that the other person prefers this width and may even need it to cover the wrist.

traditional japanese christmas gifts



Although some people may say that when you don’t know what to give a girl, just give her a bag, but I don’t agree with this statement. When giving gifts, only if your attitude is sincere and your preparations are careful, the other person will smile.

If your preparations are very perfunctory and you choose a gift and just buy a random bag to deal with the other person, do you think the other person can’t feel it?

When choosing a bag, remember to consider the needs of the other party. Girls may need to bring a computer to work, so they must consider the computer compartment of the backpack. If you want to choose a decorative bag to carry when going out for fun, don’t forget to consider practicality.

japanese christmas presents



Women’s wallets are generally cute and multi-functional. Many girls have the habit of collecting receipts, movie ticket stubs and other items. Many Japanese girls have the habit of keeping accounts. You can choose a wallet with strong functions for each other. The size of the wallet should also be able to hold various tickets and photos.

You can put your couple photo stickers into your wallet in advance, it’s a little surprise.

japanese christmas presents


Dishes or handmade products such as scarves

It is not uncommon for boys to make handmade dishes and other handmade products today. The euphoria of making a gift for the other person is a very pleasant experience. Thinking wholeheartedly about the thing made by the other person is like carrying your love, which can tell and convey your happiness.

gift for japan



In fact, I think girls’ clothes are still relatively difficult to buy. You must know that generally speaking, girls have a better grasp of the aesthetics of clothes than boys. Choosing girls’ clothes may be a difficult task for boys.

But don’t worry!

Clothing in various shows in Japan will provide brand logos, and Japanese shows are not like European and American shows. They generally have more everyday, cute and elegant clothes, which are very suitable whether you are going out to play or commuting. If you really don’t know what to buy, just buy the clothes that everyone praises in the show!

Moreover, clothing purchases are usually well packaged, so there is no need to repackage them, which is very convenient.

gift for japan


Concert Tickets

Special part appears! In fact, speaking from my experience, if you show a lack of interest or even disdain when a girl talks about your idol with sparkling eyes, this behavior will make you feel in the other person’s heart. The score dropped to the bottom instantly.

Respecting each other’s preferences is a major issue in intimate relationships. The other person must be really looking forward to doing what they like with the person they like, so buy the other person a concert of her favorite singer/idol/band, and then enter her world with her!

gifts for japan lovers


Interior decoration/trinkets

Girls will like some small accessories to decorate their home, desk, refrigerator, and bedside. You can choose some cute things. Lego and jellycat for girls are good choices.

gifts for japan lovers



The list of gifts that Japanese boys and girls want is generally the same. Everyone hopes to eat delicious food together and receive thoughtful gifts from each other. We will find that one of the gifts that Japanese girls want is ” Concert tickets”, but I have also seen many students choose to study abroad in Japan just to chase stars and concerts hahaha.

After seeing what young people in Japan want for Christmas, have you ever thought about what gifts you want to receive? Or have you received something? You can share the joy of the holiday with everyone in the comment area~

japanese christmas gifts


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