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The most important final step of China glaze halloween!


This will be the last tutorial on China glaze halloween. Previously, we wrote articles to explain everything from the preparation before applying nail polish to how to apply it, and how to apply each popular color. In this article, I will explain to you the final step of applying topcoat when applying China glaze halloween and how to deal with mistakes when applying nail polish. Let’s take a look~

Must-see tips for applying china glaze halloween 2023 nail polish!

China glaze halloween 2023 application tips for different textures!

Apply topcoat

After normal nail coloring, a layer of transparent topcoat will be applied to protect the color, which we have also mentioned in previous articles. Applying topcoat can reduce the friction of China glaze halloween nail polish when your fingertips touch objects, preventing wear and bumps. Dip in enough top oil, but be careful of too much top oil accumulation causing bubbles.

Do not use transparent nail polish or base coat instead. Top coat generally dries faster and has a higher hardness after drying. Both of these points are impossible for ordinary transparent nail polish. If you use transparent nail polish instead of top coat, you will I found that scratches and indentations quickly appeared on the nail polish that was obviously dry.

Ordinary high-transparency topcoat is the most common, and basically all kinds can be applied. The higher the concentration, the better the gloss, such as the ultra-thick SV topcoat, which is dazzling after application and is known as the best topcoat. However, if you apply too much gloss oil that is too thick, it will also cause problems such as edge shrinkage, bubbles, and easy falling off. Be sure to “wrap” the entire gloss oil, including your fingertips, and apply it in one go.

China glaze halloween 2023

What is the texture of China glaze halloween top oil?

Frosted top oil

The base color of China glaze halloween is a matte color. I want to maintain better durability and silky texture on the surface. Also, the base color is not a matte color. I hope to imitate the matte effect by using a matte topcoat. You need to apply frosted topcoat to achieve this. The method is the same as the previous frosted color application method, just be quick and decisive. One thing to note is that the bottle mouth of the frosted China glaze halloween top oil must be cleaned, otherwise small bumps will form when applied, and unlike bubbles, which can be avoided by filtrating the liquid at the bottle mouth.

Star top oil

Star Topcoat can turn ordinary colors into sugary texture. The base color of China glaze halloween itself is star color. You can also apply star topcoat to make it smooth and less likely to catch things. It is not a star color by itself, but after adding star top oil, it becomes a star color.

Laser top oil

The laser itself is a laser color and can be coated with ordinary topcoat. Please note that China glaze halloween has certain laser colors that will become ugly after being coated with topcoat. Ask the seller about this before purchasing. For example, FANG’s laser color itself has a better laser effect than other brands, but it cannot be coated with topcoat. Laser topcoat is mainly used for colors that are not laser itself. Applying it can give you a laser effect.

Toning topcoat

The key points for applying color-matching topcoat are the same as those for ordinary topcoat, except that bubbles and stringing are more likely to occur. Do not touch, poke, or smear repeatedly when playing. It belongs to the category where just smearing it casually makes it look very artistic.

Gold foil silver foil

Gold foil and silver foil also include various topcoats with sequin effects, and the application method is the same as ordinary topcoat. Just turn the nail polish bottle upside down when dipping, otherwise you won’t be able to get a few pieces of gold foil. If a color needs to be maintained for a long time, you can reapply China glaze halloween topcoat every three days or so.

How to remedy problems when applying China glaze halloween?

Edge remediation

Absorbent cotton roll

Use absorbent cotton rolled on the tip of a toothpick or small wooden stick. Do not use ready-made cotton swabs, nor will pointed cotton swabs. You must roll it yourself. A little cotton is enough. It will be very sharp when rolled out, and it can be wiped very accurately. Dip enough nail polish remover into it, but don’t drip it. Use the tip of a cotton swab to roll off the excess China glaze halloween nail polish. The tender skin on the edges of your fingers is easily injured, so don’t use too much force.

The advantage of absorbent cotton is that it can be wiped extremely clean, including the fine pigments that have penetrated into the skin folds. As long as you wipe it carefully, you can wipe it clean, and it is very precise. The disadvantage is that it is best to roll it on a toothpick and prepare it in advance. Prepare more. The absorbent cotton will become dirty after just a few wipes. If you use the existing roll, it will sometimes damage the nail polish you just applied on your right hand.

china glaze halloween 2023

Lip brush or eyeliner brush

Use an unused lip brush or eyeliner brush with a slanted or rounded mouth. Flat mouth is a little more difficult, just don’t use a pointed one. Directly dip an appropriate amount of nail polish remover and draw a rounded edge along the edge of the nail polish. After a few strokes, wipe the brush clean on a paper towel and dip it in nail polish remover at any time.

The advantage of a brush is that it is particularly easy to create perfectly curved edges, and the edges will be softer and require no prior preparation. It won’t hurt your fingers either. The disadvantage is that after repair, there will often be some China glaze halloween nail polish residue.

China glaze Halloween

The edges are painted out

If the brush is not smooth or the hand is heavy, the nail polish will be applied to the outside of the nail. Before the nail polish is completely dry, remove it with nail polish remover.


If you apply too much China glaze halloween nail polish, it will accumulate on the edges of your nails. If it is a small amount of spillage that has just been applied, you can use the cotton swab prepared in advance to scratch it off immediately. Sometimes, you can also use the edge of a thin cotton sheet dipped in nail polish remover to scratch it off. If there is no treatment at that time, or there is a lot of spillage, you need to wait for the surface to dry before modifying it. Use a small brush or a rolled cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover and gently brush it off.

China glaze Halloween


If the China glaze halloween nail polish has not dried out and there are very light scratches or fingerprints, you can dip your fingertips in a little water and gently massage the damaged part in circular motions to make it smooth. Or immediately apply a layer of topcoat to restore smoothness. If you only discover it after it has dried, there is nothing you can do.

Missing fingertips

I accidentally touched the nail polish I applied, but I don’t want to reapply it all. Use a small brush dipped in nail polish remover to clean the damaged area to make it smoother. Use China glaze halloween nail polish of the same color to apply on the missing area. If it is applied too thickly, there will be gaps. Be sure to apply as little as possible. After the nail polish on your fingertips has dried, apply a thin layer of nail polish of the same color to the entire nail.


Maybe many girls like to cover it with anti-spill glue, or simply wait for the nail polish to dry completely and then pick off the edges of the polish when taking a shower the next day. This is a very bad habit. Firstly, it is impossible to create rounded and perfect edges in this way. If the China glaze halloween nail polish is thicker, it will also cause the edges of the nail polish to warp and look rough; secondly, the tender skin around the nails is easily injured, and violence can easily cause Barb. If there are irreparable mistakes on individual nails during the nail painting process, you need to use cotton pads.

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