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China glaze halloween must-see tips!


We have recommended the popular colors of china glaze halloween before. Many people want to buy them but cannot get the most beautiful effect. Some may fall off after a few days of application, and some may even be applied unevenly. Most of them are actually because you have not grasped the color. The correct way to apply nail polish. Today we will share the tips for applying nail polish to ensure that you can learn it and apply the most beautiful china glaze halloween.

china glaze halloween

How to apply china glaze halloween correctly?

Preparation Phase

Choose china glaze halloween nail polish color

China glaze halloween comes in many colors. Darker colors such as purple, black or dark red will make your nails look longer, so if you want to lengthen your fingers, please choose darker colors.

Do not use china glaze halloween nail polish that has been left for a long time. Over time, nail polish will become very sticky and the effect will be poor. If your nail polish has become sticky and you still don’t want to throw it away, there is actually a way to remedy it. Add a drop or two of nail polish remover to the nail polish, cover the cap, and shake until the nail polish remover and nail polish are fully mixed. china glaze halloween also has professional nail polish diluting products.

Prepare necessary tools

These include cotton balls or professional nail polish remover wipes, cotton swabs, nail polish remover, nail clippers, nail files, cuticle files and a bottle of clear nail polish.

Clean nails

First, dip a cotton ball in nail polish remover, put it on your nails for ten seconds, and then wipe off the nail polish on your nails. Dip a cotton swab into nail polish remover and clean out the remaining nail polish in the cracks. It is recommended to use professional nail polish remover wipes, because if the nails are not dry, cotton balls will easily stick to them.

Cut nails

If your nails are too long or have uneven edges, you can use nail clippers to fix them. All nails should be of the same length. Don’t blindly follow the very long manicures on the Internet. In fact, it is very inconvenient in life. When we shared Cardi B’s Halloween dress before, we can see that her manicures when attending events are actually very everyday. Not exaggerated at all. Then use a nail file (glass nail files work great) to smooth and shape the edges of your nails. Then, trim your nails into a round or square shape, depending on your personal preference.

In addition to the edges of the nails, the surface of the nails also needs to be trimmed. When manicuring the nail surface, divide the nail surface into left and right sides, and then grind away from the edges on both sides toward the center. The direction of grinding should be consistent each time. Do not rub the nails back and forth. This will bruise the nails. This step is to make the china glaze halloween nail polish last longer without falling off.

China glaze Halloween

Smooth the cuticles around the edges of your nails. The cuticle on the nail refers to the ring of skin close to the base of the nail. If you don’t smooth out these cuticles before painting your nails, they will affect the overall look of your nails. Before pushing the cuticles, soak your nails in warm water for one to two minutes. Once the cuticles have softened, you can easily push them to the edge of the nails with a cuticle file.

Apply nail polish

Apply primer

First apply a layer of transparent base oil. This step is simple and convenient, but it is also very important. Base coat can smooth the nail surface, extend the maintenance time of nail polish, and protect nails. Wait until the primer is completely dry and can be touched by hand before proceeding with subsequent operations.

China glaze Halloween

Don’t be too careful when applying base oil. It doesn’t matter if the base oil gets on the skin around the nails. Because the base oil is transparent, it is not easy to detect.

There are two types of base coats, one is a transparent nail polish that can smooth out uneven nail surfaces, and mainly lays the foundation for subsequent nail polish; the other is a nail nutrient solution, which can protect nails and make them grow longer. Stronger. If you like, you can apply two different coats of base oil.

China glaze Halloween

Apply nail polish

Open the nail polish bottle cap and remove excess nail polish from the brush head. The amount of nail polish on the brush head can make or break you. Use china glaze halloween to remove excess nail polish on the brush head, just scrape the brush head with the inner wall of the bottle mouth. But how much nail polish should be left on the brush head will only be known if you practice a lot. Most of china glaze halloween’s brush heads are round, but recently flat brush heads have become more and more popular. Flat brush heads are easier to use and less likely to mess up.

Three line method

Professional manicurists and stylists agree that the three-line method is the easiest and least error-prone way to paint your nails.

China glaze

First, use the brush tip to pick up a dot of nail polish at the base of your nail, and then draw a straight line in the center of your nail from the base of your nail to your fingertip. Then go back to the base of the nail, paint along the curve of the base of the nail to the left, and then draw a straight line on the left side of the nail. Finally, use the remaining nail polish to draw a straight line on the right side of the nail.

The pre-spotted nail polish on the nails should be thin enough to cover the entire nail. Do not dip the nail polish back and forth from the nail polish bottle during the application process. The texture of china glaze halloween is relatively thick, especially the “Holee Shift! Live Swatch” that I recommended before. Its color is very beautiful. If it is applied too thickly at one time, it will not dry easily and it will be stained easily.

China glaze

When drawing the two lines on both sides of the nail, don’t stick to the edge of the nail, leaving a small slit. This small slit is not easy to detect, but it can prevent you from getting nail polish on your hands.

Wait until the first coat of nail polish dries before applying the second coat. To complete beautiful nails, you need to apply at least two coats of nail polish, and some even need three coats. Don’t apply a thick layer all at once. Not only does it work better in thin layers, it’s also less likely to mess up. Be sure to let the nail polish dry before applying it again. Each layer of china glaze halloween is estimated to take five to ten minutes to dry.

Seal the nails

After the second (or third) layer of nail polish has dried, apply a protective layer of clear nail polish to your nails to brighten and protect them. After applying protective oil to the entire nail surface, use the brush head to gently brush the fingertips and the inside of the nail. This can prevent the nail tip from wearing and provide a certain amount of support for long nails.

Clean up excess nail polish

After painting your nails, wait until they are completely dry and then clean up any nail polish that may have been accidentally applied elsewhere. When cleaning, use a cotton swab to soak in nail polish remover and run it along the edge of the nail to remove excess nail polish. Be careful when cleaning. If you are too hasty, you may miss it and scratch your newly made nails. Change a cotton swab every time you clean a finger, otherwise the nail polish left on the cotton swab may get onto other fingers.


In this way, a complete nail is painted. The texture of china glaze halloween is still very good, so it is easier to apply. The most important thing when choosing nail polish is to pay attention to safety. Some nail polishes have very pungent smells or ingredients, which can be very harmful to nails.

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