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Must-see tips for applying china glaze halloween 2023 nail polish!


I have shared my views on all the colors of china glaze Halloween 2023 before. The china glaze Halloween 2023 series is a very metallic nail polish, and the colors are also very beautiful. It also continues the consistent style of the china glaze Halloween series. In this article, I decided to give a specific guide to help some novice manicurists apply china glaze Halloween 2023 well.

The most beautiful metallic manicure: china glaze halloween 2023

Summary of china glaze halloween series recommendation list!



Tips before applying china glaze Halloween 2023 nail polish

This is a summary of my experience in applying china glaze Halloween 2023 nail polish over the years. I hope it can give some help to novice nail polishers. I mainly paint my own nails. In some cases, such as nails that are particularly small and have a lot of flesh on the edges, I am not very good at painting them, so everyone has to analyze the specific situation.

If you wear a belt or zippered pants, be sure to go to the bathroom first, tie your hair up, and pin your bangs so that no stray hairs fall onto your newly painted nails. All necessary nail polish, nail polish remover, cotton pads, cotton swabs, etc. are laid out. Make sure the room is well-lit and well-ventilated, wash your hands well, and make sure there is no grease on the nail surface.

Hand cream, finger edge oil, etc. must be applied after painting the nails. Oil on the nail surface will make the nail polish fall off more easily. There are no wounds or barbs on the finger edges. Start painting the nails next. Try to apply nail polish on a flat tabletop instead of hanging it in the air.

Base oil

Some brands have base oil and top oil, which are usually separated. Most base oils have certain color-fixing and anti-staining effects, which can make subsequent coloring smoother and less likely to fall off. China glaze Halloween 2023 has an excellent pit-filling effect. Using a base oil with a pit-filling effect can omit the polishing step. Grinding and polishing the irregular patterns on the nail surface can increase the adhesion of the nail polish and make it less likely to fall off.

china glaze halloween 2023

If it is a special adhesive primer, anti-falling primer, pit-filling primer, or anti-staining primer, it means that this bottle of primer is particularly outstanding in this aspect, but it should also have other functions. This type of primer should be applied One layer is enough.

Peelable base oil

Peelable primer is special. Use it as a base before applying nail polish. When you want to remove it, you only need to peel off the base layer and gently pull it off. It is especially suitable for glitter nail polish that is difficult to remove, and also suitable for those who are more bothered to change colors frequently. Be sure to leave an edge when applying the peelable base coat, so that the nail polish will not lift after application.

china glaze halloween 2023

It should be noted that the peelable primer does not have the effect of preventing staining. If you are applying dark china glaze halloween 2023, you can apply a layer of ordinary primer after applying the peelable primer to prevent staining. Dip in an appropriate amount, keep the brush head relatively stretched, but do not drip out the base oil. Start from the middle of the nail to the fingertips, and then brush both sides. Apply three strokes to one nail. Do not apply it repeatedly.


Main points for applying china glaze Halloween 2023 brush head

Different nail polish brands have different brush heads. Except for the bristles that are particularly hard and warped, they can all be applied well. Generally speaking, a wide brush head is easier to use, and it is easy to master the technique of applying evenly in three strokes. However, the brush head of china glaze Halloween 2023 is relatively slender. When applying, you can use the method of extending the brush head into a fan shape on the nail. It can not only apply evenly in three strokes, but also create a rounded edge.

China glaze Halloween 2022

The brush head must be well protected, and do not stuff it roughly into the nail polish bottle. Once the hair becomes fried, it will become very, very difficult to use. The brush heads of some brands are relatively long and slender, but they are still very easy to use when unfolded.

How to apply china glaze halloween 2023 evenly?

How to apply color oil and nail polish?

Generally speaking, two or three layers of color oil are needed to achieve a fuller color. If you apply a thick layer, although it will look fuller, it will be difficult to dry and bubbles will easily appear.

Nail polish may sometimes delaminate if it is not used for a long time, especially glitter nail polish. Therefore, before china glaze halloween 2023 opens the bottle, turn the nail polish bottle upside down, rub it in the palm of your hand for a while and it will shake evenly without producing too many bubbles. If you shake it for a long time, you need to let it sit for a while before applying.

China glaze Halloween

Before applying nail polish, first make sure there are no bubbles on the brush head, at least on the side where the brush is applied. Otherwise, just skim it off and dip it again. Bubbles on the brush can easily be transferred to the nails. The second thing is to make sure that the bristles are relatively stretched, but not easy to drip, or that one side is relatively full and the other side is clean at the mouth of the bottle.

Do not reapply repeatedly

One mistake that novices are particularly likely to make is to reapply one stroke without applying it evenly. China Glaze Halloween 2023 is a relatively thick nail polish. In the end, it will cause serious brush marks or it will be extremely thick and difficult to dry. In fact, the first layer was not evenly applied. Don’t worry about it, just apply it normally and wait for it to dry before applying the second layer.

China glaze halloween 2023

The secret to speeding up the drying of nail polish?

Shower with cold water?

There is also a widely circulated tip, which is to rinse your nail polish with cold water. It actually has no effect. It just makes you do one more thing to kill time, making time seem to go faster. And there is a risk in this technique, which is to rinse with cold water when china glaze halloween 2023 is not dry, sometimes it will cause new bubbles.

Phototherapy lamp?

Do not use phototherapy lamps to bake off nail polish. There is no way of knowing who came up with this idea, but people often ask. The curing principle of phototherapy glue is different from the drying principle of nail polish. The phototherapy lamp will neither make the nail polish dry faster nor make the nail polish brighter. Moreover, the current market is still dominated by UV lamps. The frequency of phototherapy is low, but the frequency of applying nail polish is still relatively high. If you expose yourself to ultraviolet rays frequently, your hands will get tanned.

You can do this!

If you want to speed up drying, do not use hot air from a hair dryer, but you can choose a fan or a special nail polish blowing machine. You can also use quick-drying spray or quick-drying oil to speed up the drying of nail polish, but only It can be used after all the top coat of nail polish has been applied, otherwise it will affect the application of the next layer of nail polish. But because most of the topcoats of china glaze halloween 2023 are quick-drying themselves, I personally feel that there is no need to perform the above operations.

In the next issue, I will share the application techniques of different shades of china glaze halloween 2023, let’s take a look!

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